
Our awards

Welcome to Italia Sweet Italia, your gateway to sustainable and immersive experiences in the green heart of Italy. Nestled in Abruzzo, the greenest region in Europe, we are a specialized Italian tour operator committed to showcasing the beauty and cultural richness of this hidden gem through unique, activity-based tours designed for small groups.

Our mission is to promote sustainable tourism and foster a deeper connection between travelers and the enchanting landscapes, traditions, and flavors of Abruzzo. Whether you’re passionate about culinary arts, arts and crafts, exploring your roots, or immersing yourself in the Italian language, we offer scheduled and tailor-made tours to cater to your interests and create unforgettable memories.

Our Awards

Our dedication to excellence and commitment to sustainability have not gone unnoticed. Over the years, Italia Sweet Italia has been honored with numerous awards, recognitions, and citations, solidifying our reputation as a leading advocate for responsible tourism and cultural exchange.

Among our accolades, we are proud to have been cited in books, academic theses, and educational materials, serving as a shining example of sustainable tourism practices and cultural preservation. Our contributions have been acknowledged in lessons, seminars, and testimonies, inspiring future generations to embrace the principles of susatainable travel and cultural appreciation.

At Italia Sweet Italia, our greatest reward is the satisfaction of our travelers and the positive impact we make on the communities we visit. As we continue to strive for excellence in promoting sustainable tourism and fostering cultural understanding, we are grateful for the recognition and support we have received along the way.

Italia Sweet Italia – Our Awards

Below is our proud list containing info about our awards, thesis, book and newspaper articles that have featured Italia Sweet Italia:

  • Premio Cambiamenti (Change Award) for the best most innovative companies at national level by the CNA, one of the largest trade associations of Italian craftsmanship Read more>

  • Dissertations as supervisor – Italia Sweet Italia has been included as a case study in numerous theses by young students in the field of tourism and cultural enhancement of the territory, underlining our role as a notable example in the sector. Fabrizio was also a co-rapporteur. Read more >

  • Award for promotional videos of Abruzzo by the Gal Maiella Verde (A Local Action Group (GAL) is an instrument promoted by the European Union to develop plans and programmes of action dedicated to the socio-economic improvement of rural communities): Watch the video 
  • Book coming soon…
  • Italia Sweet Italia is honored to receive consistent praise and positive feedback from our valued travelers, as well as our esteemed partners and guardians of ancient traditions in Abruzzo. Here are just a few snippets from our reviews on TripadvisorGoogle and We Travel all boasting a perfect score of 5 stars.

 Contact me today to learn more and start planning your unforgettable adventure discovering the most authentic Italy in a sustainable way.

Ciao for now


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