
A springtime recipe: bucatini pasta with fava beans and anchovies

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Abruzzo is a region rich in cultural and culinary traditions, and in springtime it offers rich and fresh dishes, with products donated directly from the home vegetable garden, such as our tasty fava beans, which combined with anchovies and bucatini pasta, make for a unique and delicious dish.

Preparation time: 20’ Cooking time: 20 Portions: 4


  •  40 fava beans (pods)
  • 1 onion
  •  12 anchovies (fresh or under extra virgin olive oil if possible)
  •  extra-virgin olive oil
  •  parsley to taste
  • powder chili pepper to taste
  •  white wine
  • 320 g of bucatini pasta


  • Remove the fava beans from the pod
  • Put the single fava beans in boiling water for a couple of minutes (just the time it will be easy to remove the skin)
  • In the meanwhile, in pan sauté (slow fire) the onion and 3 anchovies (they need to be melted)
  • Remove the skin from the fava beans
  • Add the fava beans, the anchovies (cut in small pieces) and some powder chili pepper to the pan with the onion
  • After a couple of minutes add some white wine at high fire until evaporates
  • Add a glass of water (from the pot where you boiled the fava beans) and cover for around 10 minutes (when the fava beans will be very delicate almost broken)
  • In the meanwhile, cook the pasta (bucatini or the pasta that you prefer) in boiling water (don’t add too much salt)
  • Put almost all the fava beans in a mixer, add some extra-virgin olive oil, parsley and water from the pot and mix slowly
  •  When cooked, add the pasta (al dente, be careful to not overcook it) and the mixed fava beans in the pan with the rest of the fava beans and mix together for one minute
  • Cut in small pieces and add the last anchovies and some fresh and cut parsley and serve it!
Buon Appetito from Fabrizio!
p.s.: this is a recipe created by Fabrizio using traditional and seasonal ingredients

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