
Blooming Lovely – Painting Poppies & Sunflowers in Italy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Painting classes in Italy classically call to those seeking beautiful and inspirational landscapes, but they are also perfect for those that love to capture nature in glorious bloom as the poppies run amok and sunflowers gyrate in line.

As Italians we must admit we most look forward to painting in mid-May, when the red poppies most vividly contrast with the vivid lush greens of the young wheat, especially when they’re growing in a terraced field of Abruzzo’s heritage wheat, the spikey Saragolla.  The poppies lend such a contrast with their delicate petals and it’s fascinating to watch May’s breezes ripple the fields as you sit and paint.

Within a month the poppy scene becomes harder, toasted almost glowing wheat spread below azure skies and the odd cloud makes memorable expressive painting no matter what the technique, especially when viewed back home in the depths of winter.

Sunflowers are another popular subject for artists, whether as a close up study or rows of endearing symmetry when painting in late June and July across central Italy.  They’re often grown by farmers in one of our favourite painting destinations, the pretty marine park of Punta Aderci, loved by Edward Lear during his artist travels across Abruzzo.  They act like a fringe on top of the hilly coves that make up this unique piece of Adriatic coastline, requiring a palette that resembles gemstones.

We’re mindful of those travelling to paint in Italy with a partner who isn’t similarly inclined, and to this end we pick our locations carefully to ensure that interest levels for both painter and partner don’t wane.  Whilst you immerse yourself in Monet madness and Fibonaccian fun painting vibrant Italian poppies and sunflowers there will be plenty of complementary activities celebrating the best of Italy available for those who wish to partake.

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