
Ratafia recipe: a typical liqueur from Abruzzo

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ratafià is an ancient liqueur with distant origins which in Abruzzo homes is done in late June/early July, when there are organic dark cherries that can be picked directly from our trees.

The origin of the name Ratafià have sparked various interpretations and reconstructions over time.

Some believe that the name is connected to the Latin expression “Ut rata fiat,” used to ratify an agreement.

Others argue that the original term might be “Pax rata fiat,” meaning “peace is made,” and was used in military contexts when leaders reached an agreement between opposing forces.

In any case, Ratafià represents a liqueur that sanctions agreements, seals peace, and brings harmony.

It is a positive wish for everyone, and a good reason to enjoy it, especially in good company.

In fact, it dates back to Roman times when it was customary to serve and enjoy a small glass of liqueur at the conclusion of a business or trade agreement.

It is interesting to note that Ratafià has been recognized as a traditional Italian agri-food product from the Abruzzo region.

This recognition confirms its cultural and historical importance in the region.

This is the period of organic dark cherries, and it is highly recommended to use them for the production of this natural liqueur, which you will have the opportunity to taste during one of our tours in Abruzzo, or perhaps you have already tried it and want more!

Ratafià is my favorite liqueur (“ammazzacaffè” for those of you who attended one of our Abruzzo tours) and I am happy to share my recipe with you.

Below is a video made last year that illustrates the entire process of Ratafià production, divided into two parts, so you can also enjoy it at home.

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