
Solo in Italy: 9 Tips for Travelling Alone Along Abruzzo’s Unspoilt Coastline

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Are you looking to get away? Away from the distractions of daily life, from the traffic to and from your 9 to 5, and maybe even from the people you know.

There’s nothing wrong with needing some alone time. Having time to rest and recharge by yourself can help you be a better spouse, parent, friend, co-worker, or boss.

But “getting away” while in your city, state, or even country can keep you from fully minimizing distractions.

You need to go somewhere new—a place that isn’t known for being super touristy, but has all the “must-haves” of a vacation. Abruzzo, Italy is that perfect place.

Have I got you curious? Here are 9 reasons why you should be taking a solo trip to Abruzzo’s unspoilt coastline:

1. There’s no better way to connect with yourself than in nature.

There’s something special about being outdoors. Maybe it’s the sun shining down on your face. Maybe it’s hearing birds chirping or leaves rustling in the wind. But perhaps the most calming sound in nature of all is waves rolling onto a sandy shore.

Abruzzo’s beautiful beaches beckon you to grab a towel, find a sunny spot, and just relax. You decide your soundtrack—is it gulls calling to each other high above as the tide moves in? Or is it the audiobook you’ve been meaning to listen to, but just haven’t found the time yet?

Whatever you decide, be sure to find your “spot” at Punta Aderci, one of Italy’s most beautiful beaches. You will certainly feel away from it all at this quiet beach and its nearby nature reserve. Stay on the sand if you like, or move into the reserve to discover the flora and fauna. Use this time to meditate and find inner peace.

As you look across the water, you may see Abruzzo’s famous trabocchi, wooden structures in the ocean used for fishing. Be sure to enjoy a meal featuring the local catch, while looking at the snow-covered Apennine mountains in the distance.

2. Traveling solo is super affordable, especially when there are no single-room supplements!

Let’s be honest for a second—money matters. Traveling alone allows you to save money since you’re not spending double on meals, drinks, entrance tickets, and more.

Another way to save money? Look for tour companies who don’t charge extra for single occupancy rooms. What could be better: You get a room all to yourself, and you don’t have to pay extra for it! A definite win-win situation.

Choose a tour that includes transport to and from the airport. This ensures that you don’t have to spend money on a taxi when you arrive, and everything will be taken care of for you!

3. As Abruzzo is incredibly safe, you don’t have to worry about the “buddy system.”

Unfortunately, the cities you can still walk around solo during the day are becoming few and far between every day. But Abruzzo is not one of them. Considering there is not a large concentration of tourists, there are also not as many pick-pockets looking to prey upon them.

Women can especially feel safe walking alone on the beaches of Abruzzo and even when appreciating the buzzing nightlife. Policemen regularly patrol the popular areas, so you will always feel comfortable being out on the town.

And as always with a tour company, you are never really alone! Others in your group may be interested in seeing the same sights as you. Or if you prefer to sightsee alone, you know you have someone to call should anything come up.

4. Making friends is one of the best parts of travel!

Wasn’t the best part of your school days making new friends? When you travel by yourself, you open yourself up to meeting other travelers in your party who are interested in the same things as you. You at least have one thing in common—your trip!

The people in your small tour group aren’t the only ones you should be meeting. Reach out to the locals you come across as well. You’ll get a better understanding of the region and culture by talking to those who actually live there every day.

Does the idea of talking to strangers make you uncomfortable? That’s normal! But there are ways to make the initial conversation less awkward. Try using your social media to find others traveling or living in or near your destination. It’s as simple as searching your location on Instagram. Or, if you’re not as tech-savvy, you can meet people the good old-fashioned way—in person! Offer to take a picture for others by the Adriatic Coast. They’ll be grateful for the help and probably more inclined to strike up a conversation with you.

Traveling solo doesn’t mean you have to be alone the whole time! You’ve opened yourself up to a new place; might as well to new people, too!

5. Aren’t you ready to do something for you?


Have you ever been able to decide every detail of your vacation? Most likely not. But as a solo traveler, you get to call all of the shots. See the things that you want to see. Stay out as late as you want. Choose the tour that meets your goals and no one else’s.

Unsurprisingly, solo travel is easier than ever these days and highly recommended. Solo travel changes you for the better—you become stronger, more in touch with yourself, and find out you really can do it. You can travel on your own. And you absolutely should.

It’s so easy to get caught up focusing more on others than yourself. And it isn’t a bad quality! Helping others and putting loved ones first is a great thing to do. But sometimes, it’s important to take care of you, too.

6. What could be better than learning how to cook Italian dishes from an Italian mamma while in Italy?


Speaking of doing something for you: How about learning how to cook Italian-style while in Italy? Seriously, does it get any cooler?

Cooking is one of those things that can seem like a chore when doing it every night at home. You’re usually making the same recipes every week, and it gets boring. Wouldn’t you love to spice things up with new recipes straight from Italy?

Join other like-minded travelers in a culinary and cultural tour of Abruzzo. Learn how to make traditional pizza and pasta, sample quality olive oil, and drink refreshing vino along the way. Remember, Elizabeth Gilbert chose Italy for her “eat” in Eat, Pray, Love., a great example of solo travel. Aren’t you ready for your own storybook adventure?

7. Do some soul-searching in the Ancient Roman coastal town of Vasto.


Just like you connect with yourself in nature, you can also find yourself in small cities, especially in ones like coastal Vasto. This seaside town features a large selection of things to do and places to see. Explore the medieval centro storico, or historical center, where ancient cathedrals, churches and palazzi storici (historical palaces with museums and art galleries) showcase awe-inspiring architecture. Even for the non-religious, the churches hold history worthy of examination. The reverent atmosphere quiets the mind for some soul-searching.

Sometimes, instead of a calm moment, you need a festive one! Vasto can help you there, too. Pop into the corner cafe or wine bar for some socializing with the locals. Indulge in a decadent dessert (gelato is great on a warm day!) while strolling through the city’s piazza or overlooking the Adriatic Sea from the hilltop city center. Or head to the Vasto Marina for beach clubs complete with full-service bars, restaurants, live music, umbrella rentals, and more or to a wild beach. However you choose to spend your time in Vasto, just make sure you celebrate you!

8. Try something unexpected for your next vacation.


Aren’t you ready for something new? Life can be so mundane—switch things up by going on vacation to an unconventional destination like Abruzzo. You’ll open yourself up to doing things you never would have imagined such as attending the annual Festival of the Snake Catcher (yes, it’s a real thing!) or hunting for truffles in the forest.

Add to your experience by keeping a journal or creating a blog to capture every day of your vacation. Others will love hearing about your “different” trip to Abruzzo and be excited to see what you do next.

And if nothing else, you’ll be pleased with your decision to try something “off the beaten path” for a change. As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” Don’t miss out on your opportunity to see Italy’s secretly splendid and unspoilt coast.

9. Solo travel has never been more possible and more needed than today.


Do you have a love-hate relationship with your smart phone? That’s understandable. You love it because you can stay connected with loved ones with the tap of a finger. You hate it because you also feel trapped by it—work email never goes away, social media notifications are always popping up, and you’re now in the habit of checking something at least every 10 minutes.

Traveling abroad allows you to enjoy your phone as you should. You can get connected to “home” on wifi, but while you’re out exploring the wifi-less beach or centro storico, you probably won’t have service, meaning no distracting emails from the office. You can still take pictures with your phone (aka the new camera), but you won’t get preoccupied by social media until you’re back at your hotel, ready to post.

If you’re leaving loved ones behind, be comforted in knowing you can reach them through apps like Viber over wifi. Most coffee shops have free internet for customers, so grab a caffé (never an espresso!) and chat with those back home if you need!

Your Abruzzo Adventure Awaits…

Is your solo adventure to Abruzzo taking shape in your mind? We’d love you to join us on the Adriatic Coast! Just fill in a few questions here and I’ll send some tour options. Or, if you’re not quite ready for a commitment, but want more information, sign up for our free email course.

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