
Spring in Italy: what to do in Abruzzo

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We can find a good reason to come to Abruzzo for every month of the year, and this is even easier when we talk about spring. Late March to mid-June are the best time to visit the region if you are looking to make great memories in its untouched and wild surroundings, with nature at its most flirty.

Even Hemingway cited Abruzzo in one of his novels, and talked specifically about the beauty of Spring. 

“L’Aquila era una bella città. D’estate la notte faceva fresco e la primavera degli Abruzzi era la più bella d’Italia…” 

“L’Aquila was a fine town. It was cool in the summer at night and the spring in Abruzzi was the most beautiful in Italy…” (Ernest Hemingway – A Farewell to the arms)

Here we try to make a list of the main reasons to come over at this time.

First of all, the weather

This is exactly what we wrote in our Autumn post, but it’s true for Spring too. Temperatures start warming up and they are generally pleasant, you can enjoy an extra hour or evening daylight since the last weekend of March, and toward the end of the season, you can expect to have hotter days. 

It is the perfect moment to enjoy our mountains, sea, inland, and hills in one comprehensive experience like this tour

Second, nature

Imagine a stretch of purple, yellow and pink flowers covering the hills, and poppies bursting everywhere. Animals go back to their activity after the winter hibernation, and everything seems to revitalize. This is a great time to walk around in silent landscapes and truly admire the cycle of nature. 

Third, the magic of Easter

March and April are home to the Easter celebrations, one of most touching periods of the year. Abruzzo is the perfect destination if you are interested in experiencing the Holy week: the region is pervaded by a strong religious spirit, deeply rooted in local rites, and all the events centered on the Passion and the Resurrection are lived with intensity.

Then, the parks

With nature at its best, you can easily imagine how beautiful it is to organize outdoor activities, such as hiking, horse riding, cycling, canoeing and bird watching in the three National Parks, the Regional Park and several natural reserves of the region.

If this is what you are looking for, we can offer you two fabolous options: a walking or an e-cycling experience along the amazing Abruzzo mountains, lakes, ancient hermitages and coastline between national parks and unique trabocchi fishing houses.

And the sea 

Swimming might be an option for the fearless ones, at least in the first part of Spring, but walking next to the Adriatic sea in this season will let you take the deepest breathes. 

You can enjoy a lunch right above the sea on a Trabocco.

The sand gets covered by shells and also the most touristy beaches are still untouched: you will just see the first umbrellas appearing at the beginning of May.   

Walking through ancient festivals and Saints celebrations

May is also known for its festivals. Cocullo a small town located in the Province of L’Aquila, celebrates its patron saint’s holiday with the so-called “Festa dei Serpari”, in which the patron saint’s statue is transported in procession covered by many snakes, later released in the surrounding woods.

Bucchianico, a small hillside village in the province of Chieti, makes a dive in the Middle Ages; the whole village can be found in the streets in order to renew the ancient festival of the “Banderesi” (those who follow their commander under his flag). It is one of the biggest traditions of Abruzzo and the Centre-South of Italy.

And let’s not forget the deeply rooted Saints celebrations, that are organized almost every week in this season. One of the most touching in our area is the procession at sea in honor of San Maria di Pennaluce.

Enjoy life outdoor 

This summarizes how we feel about spring. Restaurants start placing their table outside, people lay under the sun, take an aperitivo in the main square of the towns in a relaxed atmosphere that let them save the energies for the upcoming summer.

Ready to experience Abruzzo with us?

If you have any questions or curiosities, just get in touch with me  and I will be happy to answer them. And if you’re not quite ready to make an enquiry, sign up to our free email course to learn everything you need to know about planning a tour of Abruzzo.

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