What to see in Abruzzo, a list of the 12 best places (+ 2 extra)
Have you ever heard of Abruzzo? It’s a region in the center of Italy, nestled in the Apennines and the Adriatic coast, just a couple
Here is where I share my tips and secrets about Abruzzo (and beyond), Italy, so you can learn about what makes Abruzzo shine before you arrive on your next trip.
If you are curious about the local venues, traditional food and recipes, common sayings in dialect, and what to expect on your travels, grab your espresso and immerse yourself in our blog!
You can also read through our travelers’ stories to see firsthand what Abruzzo has to offer.
I’m happy to show you the beautiful landscapes, culture, food and traditions of Abruzzo and my other favorite Italian regions such as Puglia, Sicily, Emilia Romagna and much more!
Ciao for now, Fabrizio.
Have you ever heard of Abruzzo? It’s a region in the center of Italy, nestled in the Apennines and the Adriatic coast, just a couple
If you think of Italy, food is probably the first thing that comes into your mind, and Abruzzo is definitely one of the greatest examples
I spent the last few years showing people around and taking them to wonderful places, but today I would like to spend some words about
Are you thinking about planning a trip to Abruzzo, Italy and you are wondering whether you should choose a big or small tour operator? Are
Located in the ‘heel’ of southern Italy, the Puglia region is known for its historic towns, Unesco sites, countryside masserie, diverse landscapes, excellent food, old
The region of Puglia, located in the ‘heel’ of southern Italy, is worth a visit for many reasons: just think about its beautiful historic towns,
https://youtu.be/OerIu5bQAMU Ingredients: Garnish: slices of unsalted bread, like Tuscan bread. Cooking time: about 30 minutes (Takes a little time but it’s healthy!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKxYlC1Aexg Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Garlic Chickpeas Homemade tomato sauce Sagnette (little pasta sheets) or other similar short pasta To add more
Today is St. Sebastian’s day and in Ortona this is a particularly special date. Here, St. Sebastian is celebrated zealously with a
Tomorrow is Saint Anthony Abbot’s day and in many parts of Italy we celebrate it with bonfires – in Italian “falò“. The
https://youtu.be/gOnp3DZxeKU Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 Onion Asparagus Homemade Passata Tagliatelle pasta Cooking time: about 15 minutes. (Wow! Quick & easy)
2012 is the year to watch out for fake Italian food. The Italian farm bureau Coldiretti recently carried out a survey on Italian
If you have any questions or an authentic Italian vacation idea for yourself or a group that you would like to discuss with Italia Sweet Italia please do get in touch with Fabrizio by any of the methods below:
Since 2010 © Italia Sweet Italia Holidays S.R.L. Unipersonale | Partita Iva/Codice Fiscale: 02811920699 | Via Circonvallazione Histoniense n. 501/A – 66054 Vasto (CH) – Italy | Terms of Use